Sunday Tai Chi

Join us for a quiet morning of movement and breath-work, where every movement is a step towards wellness.

Date: Saturday 8th June

Time: 10:00am to 11:00pm




Join in the soothing embrace of Sunday Tai Chi, a serene journey designed to restore balance and ease within. This gentle practice invites you to slow down and immerse yourself in fluid movements, fostering a profound sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Throughout the session, we’ll gracefully transition through Tai Chi forms, each movement chosen to release tension and revitalise weary muscles. Embracing the essence of mindfulness, we’ll connect breath with movement, creating a deep sense of presence and inner calm.

As we flow through the practice, we’ll remain grounded, rooted to the earth, drawing strength and stability from the support beneath us.


Join us for a quiet morning of movement and breath-work, where every movement is a step towards wellness.

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