Saturday Stretch Out Yoga

Join us for a serene and rejuvenating yoga session designed to ease tension and rejuvenate both body and mind.

Date: Saturday 27th May

Time: 10.30am to 12pm




This slow-paced, restorative class will guide you through gentle movements, emphasizing relaxation and the release of stiff, weary muscles. It’s an ideal choice for those grappling with muscle tightness, individuals seeking to enhance flexibility, or anyone in need of a tranquil escape from their bustling daily routines.

During the session, we’ll remain close to the ground, utilising props such as blocks and bolster cushions to facilitate your stretches. Expect comprehensive movements that target muscles throughout your body, with a particular focus on areas where we commonly accumulate tension, including shoulders, back, and hips.

Join us for a serene and rejuvenating yoga session designed to ease tension and rejuvenate both body and mind.

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