In this short feature Browns Interior Styling will discuss how the way we style our home can influence our emotional health and look at tips to help us improve our wellbeing.
We all know that taking part in physical activity contributes towards positive emotional health but how many of us have considered other areas in our lives which may influence our wellbeing?
If our house feels chaotic and unbalanced it can impact on how we feel able to cope with our daily life. Where we live and how we live can affect the amygdala – the part of the brain linked to emotional regulation – and therefore impact significantly on our wellbeing (Reynolds 2016).
Creating a first impression on arrival to our own home entrance applies to us as much as to visitors. We all want to be invited in to a warm welcoming home, it’s our place of comfort at the end of each day. Taking some time to put a few seasonal plants at the door, a new doormat, some lighting to brighten the entrance on dark evenings, and clever use of storage to put away all of our clutter in the hallway so that a sense of inviting calmness is the first thing that greets us can all contribute to a sense of welcoming when we get home. Use candles, essential oils or fresh flowers to create an inviting smell. A luxurious drape to close over the door when you enter creates texture as well as being inviting to the eye. You’ll want to come in and leave your worries behind!
Take a minute now to visualise leaving the stresses of the day behind when you enter your home that feels calm and warm, looks neat and tidy and smells inviting, and you will appreciate how a small touches can promote a positive wellbeing.
Useful tip – bring the outdoors in to your hallway. Once a week, make time for yourself to go for a walk to find flowers, twigs, or foliage which used in the hallway can become a reminder of an enjoyable experience the minute you walk through the door each day.
If you would like advice or help with interior styling, Bernadette at Browns Interior Styling can be contacted on 07495 642321 and website details are